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How to Create Your Personal Blueprint for Balanced Living

“Balance is not something you find, it’s something you create.”Jana Kingsford

Man practicing yoga by the ocean

Finding balance leads to a more fulfilling life. The importance of being balanced is something that is well understood in society. The ability to find balance takes more individual exploration and effort. It requires creating a balanced mindset. Understanding that many elements work together to create synergy in life is the first step.

Creating a blueprint for success starts with breaking down your life into smaller, more manageable categories. From this exercise, you can examine each area that contributes to being balanced and determine what areas you should prioritize to improve your life.

Categories of Balanced Living

Categories that make up a balanced lifestyle

Creating a Balanced Lifestyle

Start by evaluating your life based on the categories that make up a balanced lifestyle. Which areas for you need to change to be more balanced? Let's look at the categories in more detail to determine how to create your blueprint. Keep in mind the best way to be successful is to think of small habits in your daily life you could add or change to improve each area.

  • Relationships - Our relationships with those closest to use impact us greatly. Our family and close friends help, encourage, and support us. Having healthy, positive relationships in our inner circle creates balance and greater happiness in our daily life. What habits could you add daily that would have an impact on those relationships? An example would be calling someone you don't see often weekly to see how they are doing.

  • Work & Finances - A balanced life includes making contributions in your work life that will create financial stability. Start with defining what success means to you, then develop a plan to achieve that in your everyday life. For example, success could mean a promotion. What habit can you start that will make you more productive and lead to a raise?

  • Learning & Creativity - Having a growth mindset is key to reaching your potential. A love for learning new things will help you grow and promote creativity. Finding things that interest you will help you feel more fulfilled in life. Think about some things you've always wanted to learn. How can you take the next step and add those activities into your daily life? For example, pick one book on a topic you would like to learn each month and read it daily.

  • Fun & Social - Life can't be all about work, chores, lists, etc. There has to be some fun and being social is part of a balanced life. For this category, think about things you love to do. What groups can you join that do those things? The great thing about this category is you can combine it with learning and creativity. For example, I want to learn to fly a plane. I think it will be both challenging and fun. I could take a class to learn these skills with others who share my interest.

  • Emotional & Personal Growth - Growth in life is important. We all aspire to grow in our thinking and in life. A few good questions to ask yourself in this category are: What kind of person do I want to become? What qualities do I wish to develop? Then, what habits in my everyday life can I change or add to reach my potential?

  • Health & Wellness - Our health is vital to a balanced, happy life. Without good health, we can't live well and thrive. Your focus in this category should be on habits that will promote a healthy lifestyle. Do you need to drink more water? Should you start intermittent fasting to promote better memory and weight loss? Would a daily walk improve your health? Ask yourself, what is one thing I can do every day to take good care of my body?

Creating a blueprint for balanced living will help you find your center. Journaling is a great way to reflect on your life and track how you are spending your day. Through journaling, you can identify areas that need improvement and make new habits that will help you be more balanced.

When making a plan, be realistic and reasonable to stay on track. Change doesn't happen overnight, and we naturally resist it. Focus on taking it one day at a time and making one small, manageable change at a time. Don't forget to reward yourself along the way.

I created Salt Water Paper to provide tools that encourage you to live well. My 100 Days to Change series is the perfect guided journal to help you develop a plan and focus on daily habit changes that will add up to big results. Each guide specializes in one of the six categories to balanced living. Start creating your roadmap to fulfilling, balanced life today.


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